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tv   Andrea Mitchell Reports  MSNBC  June 22, 2015 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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the new search was sparked just 30 miles from the prison after a break-in was reported in a remote cabin. the owner's saying an individual was inside the cabin and fled the scene once he arrived. and right now the state police major charm guest speaking on new evidence. let's listen. >> -- reported seeing two men walking along rare road track. the description provided by the witness is similar to the escapees. we conducted a thorough search that has now ended. we have declared that area clear. we continue to pursue evidence in both counties which include analyzing security camera footage provided by a business owner in steuben county. as of right now both sightings remain unconfirmed. on a separate track that also started over the weekend we are investigating a lead in owl's head area of franklin county,
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new york. we have developed evidence that the suspects may have spent time in a cabin in this area. we have law enforcement officers from around the state and around the nation here today searching for more evidence. we cannot get into the specifics of the evidence that we have recovered while investigating this particular lead. we don't want to put information out in the public that could jeopardize our investigation which is number one objective is to find sweat and matt and put them back in prison. the region around danamora. remain vigilant about reporting anything that is out of the ordinary. this is especially true of seasonal camp owners that are now that the summer season is here if you return to your camp a and anything is out of place, call 911 immediately. we also want to renew our call to those who have trail cameras
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set up around the region to let us know if you have captured footage of any suspicious activity. no lead is too small for us to investigate. law enforcement is maintaining a strong and visible presence in this region and that will continue until we bring this matter to a close. we want to thank all of our law enforcement partners the state, local, and federal level for their collaboration. with the resources, expertise and experience they provide are invaluable to our investigation. >> it's already been reported widely that there is some sort of a dna possibly evidence from that cabin out there. since it's already out there the public is already aware of this wouldn't it be beneficial at this point to concur or deny whether or not you did in fact find dna evidence there? >> we have recovered specific items from that cabin. we have afforded them to the appropriate laboratories. reached conclusive determination but we're not prepared to release that evidence at this
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time to not jeopardize the continuity of the investigation. >> what sort of has been the most difficult part in this search? specifically with like the weather and stuff like last night. how hard it it been to deal with that. >> there are a number of factors that make this a complex search the weather, the terrain, the environment, and frankly the vast scope of the north country of the adirondacks. >> are you running dna tests on the evidence that you retrieved from that cabin? can you confirm that? >> we run conclusive tests which include dna and everything and anything we can send to the laboratories. >> any indication these men have organized assistance whether it be gang family or any other type? >> other than what's been reported and confirmed by an arrest we have no definitive evidence that anyone else is assisting them but we are not rule that out. we are looking at all avenues at our disposealdisposal. >> local knowledge p -- >> neither of them are from this
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area but that does not discount the fact they could not have done research or had some collaboration as to the location of this cabin or the region in general. >> would you say this cabin is the strongest lead right now? since the search began? >> it's confirmed lead for us. has generated a massive law enforcement response, as you can see. and we're going the run this to the ground. >> any idea of the cost of the search so far? >> no i don't concern myself with the cost of the search. i concern myself with finding the inmates. >> can you speak to how the ver vermont state police have been involved? >> the vermont state police have been involved since day one. there was a press conference between the governor where's they pledged increased and enhanced cooperation. as of last night, we tapped into the vermont state police because we've had a member of their staff in our command post since the beginning and they have deployed their tactical team to assist us in this region. >> can you speak to the ceo who
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was brought -- [ inaudible ] >> i think the department of corrections covered that. he is part of the on going investigation and i will not comment about how productive or fruitful that investigation has been regarding the co. >> last question. >> school was on lockdown on thursday. was that in relation to the search? >> that was a lockdown that occurred out of abundance of caution last thursday. we were running a lead in that area. we advised the school district and the local authorities for st. regis falls and we just advised them of our work in the area so they did not get overly concerned and they opted to make that lockdown and as soon as we were done and exited the area they lifted the lockdown. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> as you just heard from major state police charles guest joining me now is john cuff retired chief inspector for the northwest region of the u.s. marshals service. john, thanks much for being with us. this is significant. this is the first obviously he
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won't confirm it. wide spread reports and he didn't deny there has been a dna match to something found in that hunting cabin. >> well, based on these reports, andrea andrea, if it does turn out to be conclusive for dna coupled with the purported sighting by someone up there of someone running in that area it's certainly encouraging and it will re-energize the manhunt up there. essentially law enforcement has just thrown out a bigger net now to the wider perimeter search up there and hopefully it's a good sighting. as long as the public continues with these phone calls and someone in law enforcement will continue what they need to do and hopefully this will come to a conclusion in a short time. >> and there are false alarms. one can assume or infer that the pennsylvania sighting may have been a false sighting? there's a big hundred hunt in that area some distance away. this is within 35 miles of prison itself. >> that's true, andrea.
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quite often on these manhunts you get -- i believe they're up to probably around 1600 tips that have been coming in. that's good. law enforcement will vet these, check them out as best they can. and rule them in try and corroborate the sighting as best they can, just like this sighting, trying to corroborate any evidence that might be in that location to support the fact that this is where these guys were. one thing to keep in mind if this turns out to be dna, okay conclusive from one of these individuals, okay, there's no telling when they were in there. okay. it could have been since day one or could have been as recent as day before yesterday. but what's encouraging here is the fact that purportedly someone saw someone running up there in that area. couple those two facts together it's certainly re-energizing the manhunt up there. >> of course, we don't know whether the two are tath or have separated. this is just the first step. but they're calling this a confirmed lead.
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thank you very much john cuff as always. >> thank you. and the city of charleston of course fighting hatred and racism with love and respect this weekend. the emanuel ame church opened doors for prayer on sunday for the first time since the wednesday night massacre. thousands also marched in a solidarity in a bridge to peace walk last night carrying american flags. thank you details about dylann roof after a racest manifesto which sources say the fbi believes to be his was discovered online. i'm joined now by south carolina congressman jim clyburn. congressman, thank you very much for being with us. >> thank you so much for having me. >> i can't even imagine how difficult for you, your friends, your associates. of course minister the state senator pinckney who interned in your office. you knew him as teenager. i wanted to ask you about this confederate flag controversy.
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you talked about it on "meet the press" with chuck. i wanted to set the context of the flag now flying at the state capitol grounds because as you pointed out yesterday this is a flag that's the flag on the right and it is a flag widely known as the confederate flag but really it was not the flag that honors the war dead from the confederacy, which was the flag on the left in is the rebel flag first flown in 1961 mostly as a protest against the federal government, against brown v. board of education, against decess gre investigationde desegregation desegregation. >> thanks for bringing it up. the fact of the matter is if the flag there on my left is the confederate flag that's a flag of the confederate states of america, it's called a stars and bars. that's the official flag. that other flag with the st. andrews cross and the stars, the
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flag that is a confederate battle flag of northern virginia. it's not even a south carolina flag. now, that flag, as you see a square it did not -- it was not on top of the state house for years and then the flag known as the tennessee flag is what was flying on top of the state house from 1962 up until coming down a few years ago in 2000 i believe was the year. now, when i brought that out in an op-ed piece i wrote of course it generated a lot of anger but it tells you a little bit about how misplaced the so-called heritage is. the fact of the matter is the men who died gave their lives during the civil war, the south carolinaian carolinians, they did not fight under that flag. they did not lose their lives under that flag.
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most south carolinians fought under the flag with the white crescent and palm tree but the citadel flag has the red field. now other soldiers fought under regimental flags. this whole notion that the confederate battle flag was some flag that all of these people lost their lives under, they ought to stop telling that myth. that is absolutely not true. that is a flag of rebellion. it is a flag that when they took the flags off the state house dome they put up this square flag in front of the capitol. please i want your readers to know, that is not the compromise spot. i co-chaired the compromise along with judge alex sanders of charleston submitted our
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recommendations to governor jim hodges and it was to put that flag on the state house groundsed a jaygrounds ed a ja adjacent to the monument. some of the civil rights community objected to that compromise. the legislature out of defiance put that flag where it is today in front of the state house. that was not the compromised position. and i wish our legislators will own up to that. now, let me say this so-called heritage act they have passed this heritage act. they needed two-thirds majority required to change any of the so-called confederate monuments or emblems. that may be true if you try to take the flag down as a result of using that law. but if you need to rescend the law you can do that with a
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one-vote majority. i think the first order of business when the legislators get back in tomorrow the first thing they ought to do is rescend that heritage act that only requires a simple majority and then let us start there and stop this misinformation about what is required to bring that flag off the state house grounds. let's put it in a museum if you want to honor the confederate soldiers on confederate memorial day. i'm all for that. but to have that as a constant indication of some authority, some sovereignty in the front of the north side of our capitol, that is an affront to me and a lot of other people in south carolina and i think it is time for us to own up to the fact that we are living a myth and let's do what is necessary to bring our people together. >> congressman, i understand
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that the mayor riley is now saying also that the time to bring it down is now. and we understand that governor haley is going to have a news conference this afternoon, that she's conferring with her cabinet. she's conferred with some members of congress. has she talked to you, have you talked to her? >> yes, i have talked to the governor. we have been in constant communication. our staffs are in conversations with each other, yesterday. and i'm meeting with the governor this afternoon. and i think she's in a good place with this. >> do you think she's now moving towards a new position for her which would be that it's time to change this law to take that flag down? >> i think she is. i really hope she is. i do know that i have spoken to senator lindsey graham who has made a similar statement. but let me say this about mayor joe riley. he just didn't get to that
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position. mayor joe riley led a march over several days from charleston to columbia. in fact, it was his march that led us to bringing the tennessee flag from atop the state house dome and out of the two chambers of the legislateoreurelegislature. so joe riley has been in this place a long time. >> but for the governor for nikki haley, if this is what she's going to announce this afternoon, this would be a new position for her. >> it would be. and you know i -- you'll excuse me for this but i was born and raised in a parsonage. a lot of times when i am finding an explanation for things i go back to that childhood. and i'm reminded of paul in one of his letters to his son timothy when he spoke when i was a child, spoke as a child, i
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understood a child. became a man and put away childish things. all of us can grow. i really believe that a lot of legislators in south carolina a lot of citizens in south carolina are growing to the point where we now see that the time has come for us to bring the state together and one of the best ways we can do that is to take that flag off of the state house grounds, put it in the confederate relic room, which is a part of the south carolina state museum and let's honor confederate soldiers and their descendents, sons of confederate veterans daughters of the confederacy, let's honor them on confederate memorial day which is may 10th every year. >> congressman, i want to ask you about president obama who did a podcast with mark whatmarone. clearly frustrated. talking about the legacy of
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slavery. he used the "n" word. i wanted to play a bit of what he had to say. >> the legacy of slavery, jim crow discrimination in almost every institution of our lives, you know that casts a long shadow. and that's still part of our dna that's passed on. we're not cured of it. >> racism. >> racism. we are not cured of. >> clearly. >> and it's not just a matter of it not being plight to say [ bleep ] in public that's not the measure of whether racism still exists or not. it's not just a matter of overt discrimination. we have -- societies don't overnight completely erase everything that happened 2 to 300 years prior. >> obviously the president who
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has struggled with this issue throughout his presidency as he's had to deal with so much conflict and violence what do you think of his using the "n" word to make his point about the persistence of racism in our society? >> i think in that instance president obama was being the professor that he used to be before he became united states senator. i used to teach history and i remember using that word in the classroom when i was trying to teach. i can still remember the young lady who got so upset when i used that word one time in trying to make a point. if she's listening today, her last name was lucas. i never will forget how hurt she was. so i never used the word again. though i was only trying to make a point in teaching a history
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lesson, an event that was in charleston south carolina. so i know what the president was doing. and the problem we have today is when you try to layout such an elongated explanation, we live in a sound bite world. so people will lift the word out, lift that one sentence out and people lose the context. when i first heard it this morning, i said to myself my lord, what was he thinking about? and then i saw the whole thing as you just put it, i said i know what he was thinking about. he was trying to give a lesson trying to teach a lesson. and so that's the problem we have today. a lot of things i've said in trying to make explanations when i see somebody's take on it later in the afternoon, the evening, it is totally taken out of context and if you take that sentence out of his explanation, it would mean one thing to some
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people. if you put the whole thing there, i believe that 95% of the american people if not 99%, would agree that what he said was appropriate. >> thank you. that's why we played the whole thing. we are, as always, going to be very careful not to take things out of context. i appreciate your context. thank you, congressman. >> thank you for having me. and now i'm joined by reverend norvel golf from charleston charleston. he is an elder of mother emanuel and led sunday's services. thank you for the example that you're setting. let me ask you now about -- >> thank you. >> -- the possibility -- we know that for mayor riley this is not a new position on the flag but the possibility is that the governor may be moving to a new position according to congressman clyburn. this is what the mayor had to say today.
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>> it's a historical flag a piece of history, and it belongs in history museum. >> do you think that there is going to be movement and what would be the impact of a change in the position on the flag being on state grounds for your church, for your community? >> well, first of all, let me thank you for this interview and thank you, viewing audience for your prayers for emanuel church and for this community we call charleston and for the state of south carolina. as far as the flag is concerned, most certainly that will take care of itself but our focus here in charleston at this time we are still making preparation for homegoing celebration for nine members of emanuel ame church. our priority is is to begin the healing process for this community by having the services of home-going for each of our
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parishioners who have lost their lives in a senseless and terrorist act. >> let me ask you about some of what you were preaching. i was watching yesterday of course as was the nation and you called out the fbi, the police after this past horrible year of violence and tension and police killings and lack of understanding, baltimore, ferguson, north charleston what's happened. let me play a little bit of what you said yesterday at that service. >> finally, i want to say thank you to law enforcement. i got no problem with doing that. i want to thank them. i want to thank them because of the respect that they've shown our people not just black folk but everybody who reside ss,
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because respect gets respect. >> reverend that was very moving but what made you want to say that from the pulpit? >> because i believe it's important for us to understand in the community in which we live and find ourselves in charleston that law enforcement has been working most certainly with mother emanuel church and community leaders to try to bring about restitution of trust and also in this particular case they worked very hard to bring the suspect to control a situation which we found him in north carolina he was brought back extradited back to the state of south carolina. i think it's important for us to send a message throughout the country that yes, there are some problems with law enforcement, but in this particular case we've had the support of the police chief, the fbi, s.l.e.d. and chaplains and
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everybody working together to try to make sure that we bring about wholeness to our community. we're not so much interested in making headlines about who said what in a negative way but we do want to make progress. and that's what we are focusing on. our priority here starting with the home-going services of the nine members of mother emanuel church who lost their lives in a bible study, can we take a pause and really support the family and this community before we go back to our ways and dealing with our several issues which we must do but at the same time we must show some kind of respect level in terms of giving these grieving families and communities to try to bring about closure and healing as they move forward? most certainly we're going to deal with the issues that have been plaguing our state for a number of years and i think we
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should do that. but my focus along with the members of mother emanuel and the african-american methodist episopal church is to try to move forward together and try and make sure that we show the kind of respect and home-going service with the nine individuals who lost their lives in a senseless act of an individual who was racist bigot, and a terrorist in our midst. >> and as you precede to the home-coming ceremonies, the funeral services this week and the terrible afteraffects of this massacre and with of course our state senator pinckney, do you think that it would be helpful if the president were to come to charleston? >> well, most certainly he's welcome to come. and if he were to come most certainly we would embrace that and celebrate that. but if he does not come we still
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solicit which he's given along with the first family the prayers for these nine members' families who have lost their lives and also continue to put to the forefront the need for the things that will help us bring about a better society. the global ame church will be present on friday. the community will be present on friday. those who are able to attend the services for reverend/senator pinckney will be present on friday. but beyond friday there are other members who will be celebrated for the life in which they have lived in their own individual or collective home-going service and we expect the same level of outpouring of support for those family members and this church called mother emanuel. >> reverend thank you again, and again our condolences. thank you for taking the time to
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talk to us today. >> well, thank you so much for having me, and most certainly we still solicit your prayers and the prayers of your viewing audience. once again, thank you so much. >> indeed thank you. and coming up next another teen arrested here in the u.s., charged with supporting isis. the latest after this. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc. so this beauty can be yours with a down payment and 10% financing. oh larry, lawrence. thanks to the tools and help at, i know i have a 798 fico score. [score alert text sound] [score alert text sound] oh. that's the sound of my interest rate going down. according to this score alert, my fico score just went up to 816. 816. 816! 816! fico scores are used in 90% of credit decisions. so get your credit swagger on. go to become a member of experian credit tracker and take charge of your score. when i started at the shelter, i noticed benny right away. i just had to adopt him. he's older so he needs my help all day. when my back pain flared up
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now to breaking news north carolina teenager is facing multiple criminal charges today include an alleged attempt to provide material support to isis. following his arrest this past friday. pete williams has the latest and joins me now. >> this is another in aer isry of actions by the fbi trying to arrest people who have been under surveillance and are suspected of being motivated by
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isis social media. it's difficult to tell in some of these cases including this one, how significant the threat was, justin nolan sullivan of morganton, north carolina 19 years old. orarkansas or. arrested on friday. he had asked another man to build a silencer for him not know that the person he was talking to was an undercover fbi operative. the fbi built the silencer. sullivan certainly talked big to this undercover saying he might want to kill as many as 1,000 people or perhaps set off a big vehicle bomb or use chemical weapons. on the other hand, the fbi heard about sullivan from his father who called 911 in april to say that his son was destroying buddha figurines and exhibiting other behavior that made the parns scared to leave the house. shortly after that the undercover operative began talking with sullivan who told him according to court documents i like islamic state from the
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beginning and then i started thinking about death and stuff so i became a muslim. sullivan talked about buying an assault rifle from a gun show in north carolina and talked about shooting people last weekend because his parents would be out of town at the time. so it's possible this arrest andrea, may kindle new interest in the so-called gun show loophole which advocates of gun control have said are so unregulated it's possible for people to buy weapons without the necessary background checks. >> very interesting stuff. thank you so much, pete, from the newsroom. brazen attack on the heart of afghanistan's government in kabul today. an explosion rocked the parliament as lawmakers were proving a new defense member. at least 31 people were injured including 5 women and 3 children. a car bomb also exploded outside. nbc's chief pentagon correspondent jim miklaszewski join ms. we now. i want to show some of the video as we talk to you because this was really incredible the parliament was attacked. we saw a car bomb explode.
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and this is in the heart of a country that we have spent billions billions over the years to train and provide security for. >> it's important to point out here andrea that no u.s. military were involved in that security operation around the parliament where this band of six taliban were able to penetrate several layers of the security before they got close to the parliament building. they never did get inside the parliament complex itself. never the less this is a good example of the kind of long-standing threat that afghanistan will face for some time. even after the vast majority of u.s. troops are pulled out at the end of 2016. you know you can never stop that or in this case half dozen people who are willing to either kill themselves or the suicide bomb or be killed. how five gunmen thought they were ever going to penetrate the inside of the parliament they
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clearly knew that they were going the die in this operation. and those that are committed to that kind of sacrifice and, quite frankly, the taliban doctrine, are going to be difficult to stop at any time no matter how many american troops are in the country. and it's important to point out, too, that at the end of 2016 when most american troops leave afghanistan, there will be a contingency left to counter terrorism force left behind somewhere around 1500 although they will not be involved in direct combat operations they could be involved in kinetic raids against any terrorist groups that they single out after that time andrea. >> jim miklaszewski thank you so much. up next right here after the charleston massacre is it time to take down that flag? you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc.
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take away mr. roof's symbol misguided idea of racial superiority and bigotry, take it away from him and all like him and give the flag of our state capitol equally, fairly to every citizen of south carolina. >> charleston mayor joseph riley moments ago calling for the confederate flag to be down down. as president obama and other leaders strug with the implications of the murders in charleston. i'm joined by a veteran of the civil rights movement and constitution allow professor of harvard university. it's the founder of the charles hamilton houston institute for race and justice. thank you very much for being with us. it's good to see you again, sir. we've heard -- >> happy to be with you, andrea.
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>> well, this is another inflexion point. mayor riley as long as congressman jim clyburn were just pointing out to me, has long been in favor of this but now we hear that nikki haley the governor may be moving on her position and holding a news conference, consulting with cabinet members and with members of congress as well. how important is it to get this flag out of there and off of state property? as a symbol for misguided people like the suspect in this case. >> it's absolutely essential. i think what north carolina and other places around the country are doing and talking about the place, it is a sense of how it affects children how it afts saffects families. we fought these wars and we've had a chance to move away from symbols of segregation symbols of prejudice, bias we need to get rid of it. i think that the moves in the
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state are going the right way. i think that i've been to charleston as well and i know exactly that it's going to be a very tough issue but i think it's going to be one that has the right thing going for it. the state is in support of it. the president is in support of it. and the people that i know who are talking about racial equality are in support of it as well. so take the flag down that has to be the mentor that all of us want to go forward on. >> and mitt romney became the first republican to actually take a position. he said, he tweeted, take down the #confederateflag at the sc capitol capitol. to many it's racially motivated. president obama tweeted back good point, mitt. so and then we heard from jeb bush as well. mike huckabee on the other hand on "meet the press qult" took an opposite position. jeb bush said my position on how to address the confederate flag is clear, in florida we acted. moving the flag from the state
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grounds to a museum where it belonged. this is obviously a very sensitive time in south carolina. our prayers are with the families, the ame church community, and the entire state following a period of mourning there will be discussions among terd loose of the state about how south carolina should move forward. i'm confident they will do the right thing. should all presidential candidates now be trafficked to speak out on this? >> i think that's right. i'm glad that mitt romney has spoken out on it already. he was our governor in massachusetts, very forward-looking governor. i think when you realize that it's doing to the people here it has to be brought down. and we see that movement across not only in the country where in state words now prominent but when i see the governor, the mayor, when i see prominent folks in that state saying bring the flag down it means things to me. i'm a member of the ame church too. my sympathy out to the families
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who lost people in that destructive explosion in the church of all places. and i think that those of us in ame church understand that we've suffered a long time. but you know what? we're going the fight back through prayer and through public ways to make sure that things happen. i think as soon as that flag is taken down all of us will breathe a sigh of relief and say, my god, this nation is one. all of us are together. we all support the freedom and opportunity for everybody. and no room for bigotry, racism sexism, anything that might in a way interfere with our rights to be citizens of the united states of america. >> professor, you've known barack obama now for years and years. what do you think about his use of the "n" word in that podcast? i was talking to jim clyburn about it earlier and he said
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this was the professor barack obama speaking, trying to educate the country about race. >> i think that's right. but you know what's interesting is that the professor is not a student, a profess per. i think barack obama is fed up with it and he's talking about race in 2015 and to 20 16 in a very concrete way and bringing those things out and making sure that people understand that we are stung by the racism that still exists in the year 2015. i think his year and a half left in the white house will be courageous. i think we will see a president who is reformed a president who is not cautious about issuing and talking about the issue of race and a president who is looking for change and change that he talked about when he ran. i was a big supporter when he ran and i'm still a supporter of his but i think this is a sense that the president of the united states is speaking about racism. i think that's important for all of us to understand the "n" word
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and what it means and how dangerous it can be and how afflicting it can be. but i stand behind president barack obama and his wife michelle obama for the great work that they've done to move our country forward in the right way. >> thank you so much charles from harvard law school. thank you again for being with us today. and up next, politic, our new msnbc poll right here. american express for travel and entertainment worldwide. just show them this - the american express card.
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thank you both so much. we have a new number just now released for us for this program which is that two-thirds 67% of those voters questioned have at least some satisfied feelings about having jeb bush and hillary clinton as nominees. only 31% don't. that's very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, or you know satisfied in some way. karen, that's an interesting number in that you are not seeing the negative reaction to the dynasty candidates. >> i think that both of them have done a lot of work in the last ten days to sort of distinguish themselves and to establish their own identities beyond the family brand. i think that's the part of what maybe you're seeing in this poll. >> chris, another thing that's interesting in this poll is this reaction against money, against the billionaires against the big spending. that was the top concern among everyone 33% were against the money, 25% against negativity.
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so you can see the dynasty candidates, the fact that family candidates are running is only 4% had concerns. >> yeah. on the dynasty thing, i think we in the generic tend to blanche, wow, we can't just have two families run everything. but when it comes to it, we've had a couple of families be very, very heavily involved at the national level for quite some time. as the poll shows it doesn't really hurt all that much. i'm surprised to be honest andrea about the money in politics. democrats have spent a lot of time from 2010 onward talking about the koch brothers republican spending super pacs citizens united. it's never really been a voting issue. maybe your polls suggest that that's changing. but it would be a change. it's not usually been an issue that drives people to vote one way or the other. >> and then let's take a look at the head-to-heads in the republican race. this hotly contested republican field.
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jeb bush had a good rollout. i think that's the take away. karen, you spent a lot of time covering jeb bush. we saw a short-sleeved energetic jeb bush in his announcement speech. >> right. you just look at three weeks ago all we were hearing about jeb bush is him fumbling his answers on iraq. since then he has had a trip to europe where he was really pretty sure footed on foreign policy and then this extraordinarily successful launch. i think as much as anything he had to say it was just the visual of this incredibly diverse and enthusiastic crowd that was there for him that day. >> and, chris when you look at the rest of the lineup you've got scott walker coming up next. take a look at this field. marco rubio, ben carson mike huckabee. when you look down this row right now and i know it's still early. we're still 40 plus days away from the first debate. if fox news doesn't change the
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criteria, the top ten -- the ten who would be getting in you would have some pretty credentialed candidates not even getting to the stage. >> yeah, look i know some democrats roll their eyes at this but i think this is a tremendously deep and impressive field for the republican party. generationally at jeb bush at 61 i believe, so you've got a wide range. you have a diverse field. you have ted cruz and ben carson, they only have -- there's only one woman running,carly fiorina to make that state. it's not just a bunch of guys standing on that stage. but i think it's a reflective of this is a very very strong field. so much so that chris christie who would have been described as the front run area few years back might have unseated mitt romney had he run in 2012 is mid to backpack right now and speaks to how politics changes but depth of the talent in the
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field. >> the republicans certainly would be happy if donald trump does not from name recognition alone get on that stage because he will take up a lot of nernl and a lot of time karen. that's something that they are trying to fix what many call the clown show last time around. >> yeah. at this point though it does look like he would just sort of drift on to that stage by sheer celebrity alone. it would be extraordinary if he were there and say, bobby jindal or chris christie were not. >> or john kay sick. >> right. >> karen tumulti, finally. we've been wanting to see you. and chris, thanks so much. and there's a lot more ahead right here on "andrea mitchell reports." ♪ building aircraft, the likes of which the world has never seen. this is what we do.
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so we will of course bring that to you live. that does it for us for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." remember, follow the show online on facebook and on twitter @mitchellreports. thomas roberts joins us with what's coming up next on "msnbc live." >> thanks so much. and up next authorities say they are one step closer in the hunt to find two escaped prisoners. we're going to learn more about the clues they may have left behind. plus, as andrea talked about, the podcast of president obama are he used the "n" word it's a popular show where all language is acceptable but should the president be use that word in conversations about race relations in america? and the push to get rid of the confederate flag at the state house in south carolina the freshly reinvigorated debate. it is straight ahead on "msnbc live." ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good for me around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ of craving something that i can't have ♪ ♪ turn around, barbara ♪
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today on "msnbc live" straight talk or straight up offensive? president obama drops the "n" word in an interview about
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racism. plus, the stars and bars and newly invigorated debate to take it down after the massacre of mother emanuel nine. >> it's time to end division in this state. it's time to move forward into the 21st century. >> south carolina state assembly takes up the growing calls for the confederate flag to be taken down once and for all. we've got the latest. and the gop reaction we've got that this hour. but first, we want to start with these new developments in the hunt for two escaped killers. this is a story that has captured headlines for almost three weeks now. on the run, authorities may be closer to catching richard matt and david sweat. now investigators have told nbc news the epicenter of the search now focused on owls head new york. dna was found at a cabin in owls head